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Connecting Ideas
Values and People


Most people think of M&A transactions as a codified process with standard do’s and don’ts – as a purely financial and rational operation.

We think M&A is more than a process. 

The analytical phase presents a range of contradicting options with uncertain outcomes proposed by large deal teams to the decision maker. 

The negotiation phase is a human experience, both emotional and rational, of an intensity that only a few anticipate.

Without focus, alignment and drive, it is all too easy to lose sight of what you’re trying to achieve –  and how.

As a Strategic Private Advisor, we help our clients anticipate and get through the defining moments, when a decision can get the deal done, entangled or collapsed.

We help our clients make decisions aligned with their values and purpose. 

We help make The Right Transaction ™, the one that is and feels right.

Our Mission

We connect IDEAS, VALUES AND People

We support decision makers in the preparation, coordination and execution of their strategic operations.

We bring alignment, clarity and coherence to help our client make their best decisions.

We can drive the process, or assist privately the decision maker in the orientation of the transaction and the strategy.

Our Methodology
Turning complex into simple

We developed a methodology to refine complex transactional subjects into simple, actionable questions. 

We summarized our mission to deliver outstanding outcomes aligned with our client’s values and purpose in our proprietary TRT ™ equation

The Right Transaction = HF x (II + TP)t

In Which

The Right Transaction aligns the values, strategic purpose and financial goals of our client. It is the transaction that is and feels right.

HF is the Human Factor, the focus on the emotional intelligence we add to the equation.

II is Intelligent Information, obtained through intense research, attention to details and thorough due diligence.

TP is Tactical Preparation, the selection of the right team, the review of strategy options and the continuous assessment of relative strengths or weaknesses.

t is the Time we mutually invest in the relationship and the process, with our clients and their teams.

Our singularity
We work hard to simplify, because simple is difficult.

We are independent of mind; This means we can tell you a brutal truth without fear or reserve.

We look for long term client relationships; We invest time to understand the motives, the ambition, the goals and the stakes of our clients. We are not one-shooters.

We mostly help make the right deal … but we also help refrain from making the wrong deal. We help build the vision and the tactic of the transaction and align accordingly the transaction process.

We orchestrate the process and the deal team, making sure every formal aspect of the due diligence is done and covered.  We prepare, drive and support the decisive negociations.

We complement existing deal teams and advisors. Our approach, combined with our unique positioning in the deal team, provides radically different perspective and leverage.

Stephane Benichou


Stephane Benichou is a private advisor to CEO, founders, owners, and boards, who successfully advised and closed over $3bn in transactions over his 15 years experience in this role.

As an entrepreneur, Stephane has founded two strategic advisory companies based in Paris:

Oversees SAS, dedicated to tactical lead of M&A transactions and their financing in the field of TMT, Sports, Entertainment and Luxury 

Intheboardroom SAS, dedicated to strategic advisory to boards, CEOs and shareholders in complex transactions.

In both roles, Stephane’s expertise is focused on tactics and negotiation. Stephane had a previous career as a high frequency statistical arbitrage proprietary trader for major investment banks in Tokyo, Milan and Paris, and developed a special acumen for modeling risks/rewards and acting on relevant opportunities.

Stephane is a member of the Summit Community.